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Burgerlijke stand van Halle (Zoersel) : huwelijk & overlijden : 1792-1919
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lint Koninklijke Vereniging Familiekunde Vlaanderen. Regio Mechelen

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Deze gezinsreconstructie bevat de gegevens van de Burgerlijke Stand van de gemeente Halle (Kempen) voor de periode 1792 tot 1919. Van de periode 1792 tot 1802 bestaat enkel nog een alfabetische index (aangeduid met de letters KL), maar die overlappen wel de akten uit de parochieregisters (PR). Er werd gebruik gemaakt van de scans van de registers van het Rijksarchief of deze van Familysearch. In een poging om zoveel mogelijk informatie te verstrekken, werden ook de gemeenten van de provincie Antwerpen nagekeken en de relevante gegevens genoteerd. Alles wat bij de geboorten in cursief vermeld staat is bijkomende informatie. De vermelde overlijdens werden vooral ontleend aan de gegevens van bidprentjes en grafzerken. Het getal voor de boreling duidt op het nummer van de akte. Bij de zoektocht naar de overlijdensplaatsen en –data werd gebruik gemaakt van het bestand van Frans Schelfhout(+), de gegevens van Peter Van Looveren en gegevens van de bidprentjes van Ludo Jacops, de Heemkringen van Schilde (Scilla) en Zoersel. Ook werd er gekeken op Geneanet en gegevens die er konden gecontroleerd worden, werden ook nagelezen. De gezinnen werden alfabetisch gerangschikt volgens de stamvorm van de naam. Er werd geen rekening gehouden met de voorvoegsels zoals : Van, Van de(r), Ver-, De, enz. Soms werd de alfabetische volgorde binnen een familienaam niet gerespecteerd omwille van een betere bladschikking en om de gezinnen zoveel mogelijk volledig weer te geven.


Genealogy --- Marriage --- Dead

Dead Sea Scrolls, revise and repeat : new methods and perspectives
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781628372731 1628372737 9780884144359 0884144356 9780884144366 Year: 2020 Publisher: Atlanta SBL Press

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"This book examines the identity of the Qumran movement by reassessing former conclusions and bringing new methodologies to the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The essays in this volume reassess the categorization of rule texts, the reuse of scripture, the significance of angelic fellowship, the varieties of calendrical use, and celibacy within the Qumran movement. Contributors consider identity in the Dead Sea Scrolls from new interdisciplinary perspectives, including spatial theory, legal theory, historical linguistics, ethnicity theory, cognitive literary theory, monster theory, and masculinity theory"--

Embodying the dead : writing, playing, performing
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781137602923 1137602929 9781137602916 1137602910 Year: 2020 Publisher: London : Macmillan Education,

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Where do we find the dead? Do the dead appear in our dreams? What is it like to play dead? This book is an exciting exploration of the relationship between death and play in performance. Exploring a range of artists and creative disciplines that remember, personify and re-imagine the dead, it playfully unpacks the psychoanalytic concepts of the Death Drive, Desire and the Uncanny as a way of thinking about performance. Embodying the Dead draws on work of Gary Winters and Claire Hind and the various qualities of deadness found in their projects. The authors' work includes live art, theatre, installation, Super 8mm film, walking arts practice and durational performance. This book includes scripts and scores of their performances, original creative texts, interviews with internationally renowned artists and a series of practice-led research tasks to support readers creating their own imaginative performance work.

ISBN: 9781635575637 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York, NY : Bloomsbury Publishing,

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From the New York Times bestselling author of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, an intoxicating, hypnotic new novel set in a dreamlike alternative reality. Piranesi's house is no ordinary building: its rooms are infinite, its corridors endless, its walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of statues, each one different from all the others. Within the labyrinth of halls an ocean is imprisoned; waves thunder up staircases, rooms are flooded in an instant. But Piranesi is not afraid; he understands the tides as he understands the pattern of the labyrinth itself. He lives to explore the house. There is one other person in the house-a man called The Other, who visits Piranesi twice a week and asks for help with research into A Great and Secret Knowledge. But as Piranesi explores, evidence emerges of another person, and a terrible truth begins to unravel, revealing a world beyond the one Piranesi has always known. For readers of Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane and fans of Madeline Miller's Circe, Piranesi introduces an astonishing new world, an infinite labyrinth, full of startling images and surreal beauty, haunted by the tides and the clouds.

Des cadavres dans nos poubelles : restes humains et espaces détritiques de la Préhistoire à nos jours
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782847432756 2847432752 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: Pétra,

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Que ce soit au sein de contextes archéologiques ou judiciaires, des restes humains sont régulièrement découverts dans des espaces réservés aux déchets. Ces situations ne témoignent pas seulement d’un simple abandon, mais semblent aussi liées à une volonté d’assimiler le corps mort à un détritus et de le déshumaniser. Mais est-ce toujours et partout le cas ? Comment, par qui et pourquoi certains individus sont-ils délibérément jetés après leur mort dans des dépotoirs ou des décharges ? Qui sont-ils ? Les douze chapitres de ce volume couvrent plus de 3 000 siècles d’histoire et plusieurs continents. Ils permettent d’aborder pour la première fois ces questions de façon comparative et à large échelle. Les contributions émanant d’archéologues, d’anthropologues, de sociologues et d’historiens nous révèlent l’ancienneté de l’association entre des restes humains et des espaces détritiques, tout autant que ses diverses modalités. Des cadavres dans nos poubelle montre ainsi que la violence symbolique portée au corps mort fait souvent suite à des violences physiques subies par le corps de son vivant. L’ouvrage interroge au final le statut du cadavre, tout autant que les logiques qui président à sa disqualification en déchet.

A star from Jacob, a sceptre from Israel : Balaam's oracle as rewritten scripture in the Dead Sea Scrolls
ISBN: 9781910928745 1910928747 Year: 2020 Publisher: Sheffield Sheffield Phoenix Press

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"The fourth Balaam oracle (Numbers 24.17-19) appears in four separate Dead Sea Scrolls. But how it is used and understood remains puzzling and challenging. All four scrolls agree that the biblical text is a living artifact and endorse its authority. But they disagree on what it may mean to the audience of their own day. They adjust, rephrase, and rework the biblical text according to their own needs and for the benefit of their audience. Following the twists and turns in this process of interpretation and rewriting has two benefits: first, we become more sensitized to the complexity of the processes by which the scriptural text came into being and to the fact that this process did not have a clear-cut end in mind. Rather, it is thanks to a constant reworking of the scriptural text that it remains alive for its readers. Second, in following closely the process of reinterpretation of this particular text we gain a better understanding of the world of Qumran, of the communication strategy of the Scrolls, and of some of their key theological concepts. In particular, Qumran beliefs about a messiah become more vividly tangible." --back cover

Forensic science and humanitarian action : interacting with the dead and the living
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781119481966 Year: 2020 Publisher: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,

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Harmful interaction between the living and the dead in Greek tragedy
ISBN: 178962150X 9781789621501 Year: 2020 Publisher: Liverpool : Liverpool university press,

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Examining the manifest and invisible dead, this book considers the nature, extent and limitations of harmful interaction between the living and the dead in Greek tragedy, concentrating on the abilities of the dead, the consequences of corpse exposure and mutilation, and the use of avenging agents by the dead.

Facing Marine Deoxygenation

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Marine deoxygenation is increasingly recognized as a major environmental threat. Global warming leads a substantial part of this deoxygenation trend and, it is foreseen to exacerbate during the next decades both in the open ocean and in the coastal waters, which are additionally exposed to increasing anthropogenic pressure. The number of affected coastal systems is already growing exponentially and the most recent assessments of oceanic deoxygenation show the highest rates. Two main challenges are thus addressed to the scientific community: 1) To understand and predict the response of global biogeochemical cycles to deoxygenation. In particular, to clarify how the disturbance induced by lower oxygen conditions on nitrogen and phosphorus cycles across the estuarine-shelves-ocean continuum may feedback on climate systems and on oxygen balance. 2) To evaluate and mitigate the threat posed by deoxygenation on essential and valuable marine goods and services and on marine biodiversity. Open ocean and coastal deoxygenation differ in terms of temporal scale, morphology, driving processes and implications. However, we consider it opportune to gather contributions related to both typologies in order to highlight interactions and common processes, and to promote the synoptic perception of marine deoxygenation required for public awareness and preluding the development of specific mitigation strategies.

Governing the dead : sovereignty and the politics of dead bodies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1526151596 9781526151599 9781847799104 1847799108 Year: 2020 Publisher: Manchester University Press

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In most of the world, the transition from life to death is a time of intense presence of states and other forms of authority. Focusing on the relationship between bodies and sovereignty, Governing the dead explores how, by whom and with what effects dead bodies are governed in conflict and non-conflict contexts across the world, including an analysis of the struggles over 'proper burials'; the repatriation of dead migrants; abandoned cemeteries; exhumations; 'feminicide'; the protection of dead drug-lords; and the disappeared dead. Mapping theoretical and empirical terrains, this volume suggests that the management of dead bodies is related to the constitution and membership of states and non-state entities that claim autonomy and impunity. This volume is a significant contribution to studies of death, power and politics. It will be useful at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in anthropology, sociology, law, criminology, political science, international relations, genocide studies, history, cultural studies and philosophy. The research program leading to publication has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n° 283-617.

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